What Can I Expect?

01) Intake / Evaluation

Initial interview to discuss and evaluate your needs as a client and to determine the best course of action.

02) Testing

Various tests and questionairres to quantify the needs discussed in initial interview.

Tests include:

TOVA CPT (Test of Variables of Attention Continuous Performance Test), IVA CPT (Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test), Gordon Distractability,
CPT Conners Continuous Performance Test

03) QEEG Mapping (optional, but recommended)

QEEG brain mapping to determine problem areas.


New York University Medical School QEEG Normative Database
NeuroGuide Normative Database, eyes Open and closed+ LORETA 
Eureka Relative Power LORETA 
Neurorep Normative Database, eyes open and closed, with Multi Variance Coherence


04) Discussion of results

Comprehensive discussion to help the client understand the results of the QEEG brain mapping and test results.

05) Treatment

Medication and/or neurotherapy treatments are conducted along with cognitive and behavioral interventions.

06) Follow-up

Retesting and QEEG brain mapping administered after 40 sessions to measure progress.