ADD/ADHD Information

What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the new name for hyperactivity syndrome. Research has demonstrated that difficulty concentrating or maintaining attention on tasks is the primary symptom of the disorder; hyperactivity may or may not be present. Other common symptoms are impulsiveness, low frustration-tolerance, procrastination, moodiness, difficulty following directions, disorganization and underachievement.

What causes Attention Deficit Disorder?

Research suggests that low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine as the most likely cause of the problem. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain which is necessary for normal cerebral activity. The frontal lobes of the brain are believed to have a higher concentration of dopamine than most other parts of the brain. The frontal lobes of those with ADD have been found to have abnormal levels of arousal or activity as measured by EEG activity, blood flow and glucose metabolism. Medication can be used to raise the dopamine levels and EEG Biofeedback can be used to normalize brainwave activity. This disorder can be inherited.

Is Attention Deficit Disorder a serious problem?

Attention Deficit Disorder can be a very serious disability. Almost 35% of children left untreated are held back one or more years in school and a high percentage will develop serious drug/or alcohol problems. Arrests for juvenile delinquency are common. For adults, moving up the career ladder is much more difficult and relationships are more problematic. Those with ADD frequently have low self-esteem and often lead unsatisfying lives. Unfortunately, many with ADD are never diagnosed and of those that are very few receive the type of comprehensive treatment that research has found to be most effective.