How to recognize ADD:

Below is a quiz for children and adults which can help you determine if you are experiencing Attention Deficit Disorder. 

Adolescent & Adult ADD Screen:

Answer ‘yes’ if you have more than average difficulty with the following things:

  1. I have trouble with my mind wandering.
  2. I have trouble keeping my attention on one thing at a time.
  3. I do not pay careful attention to someone else talking in a conversation.
  4. I am distractible, background noise and movement and my own thoughts are hard to filter out.
  5. I tend to be disorganized and/or lose and misplace things.
  6. I forget plans.
  7. My comprehension with what I read is poor, I often have to re-read things for it to sink in.
  8. Text book type reading is very difficult.
  9. I tend to procrastinate too often.
  10. I do not seem to process well what I hear, e.g. lectures are difficult to remember.
  11. I have trouble following things through to completion.
  12. I either rush through things or take too long.
  13. It is very difficult to keep my concentration on tasts that are boring.

 6 or more ‘yes’ signifies a high risk for ADD.